Our Ambition is more than Management
A building expresses the quality of its architect and business results reflect the quality of the organization. Albert Einstein said: ”The quality of the results depend of the quality of the thinking”. The largest part of our neurological thinking is subconscious and the resulting behavior occurs without prior consciousness. We address this fact with our method, integrating the mental emotional component of the organization to the strategic level. Supported by solid research in neuroscience and psychology, our tools result in superior outcomes and highly performing organizations.
The subconscious, mental and emotional base drives all results achieved by humans. It is estimated that 99% of brain functions occur without reaching any level of consciousness. Believes, truths, perceived realities and values form the quality of emotions leading then to respective behavior and activities and – inspirational leadership.
By integrating what we call “mental strategy” with an organization’s business strategy, we are able to help the organization achieve superior performance.
Our material 2x4 formula for implementation of high performing organizations consist of analysis, design, implementation and control -and- knowledge, beliefs, behavior and action.
Material tools like computer based cultural analysis, personal interviews, polls, knowledge transmitting keynotes and events to classical seminar education insure an increase of the mental base necessary for highly performing organizations. This results in measurable outcomes, cost reduction and increased earnings.