We engineer successful organizations
“Beyond Management educates organizations and individuals to become “masters of their subconscious thinking”. So they will achieve their goals with greater success, less stress and better health."
We want more! More success, more safety, more comfort, more sustainability. As entrepreneurs and business developers with MBAs and postgraduate work in neuronal and behavioral psychology, we understand the business aspect of organizations better than pure human scientists. We rely on scientific results and follow a clear vision, for long-term success of all stakeholders.
Our global network allows us to assist organizations in any culture for sustainable success, delivering analysis, development and implementation; educational key notes, training and coaching in more than five languages. According to a recent poll of CEO’s, 60% of organizational success is based on the mental alignment of the organization and employees and we know how to develop the knowledge, skills and leadership to set up for success.
Österreich (Kooperationspartner)
Mensch-Mayr Management
Michael Mayr (Mag. FH, MBA)
Oberweg 17
A-4844 Regau-Österreich
+43 664 11 32 8 32
Dänemark (cooperation partner)
Anders Pieper
PSQ-International Aps
Sct. Nicolaj Gade 15
DK-6760 Ribe - Danmark
+45 2530 3535
more countries with cooperation partnerships:
- Belgium (Brussels)
- Holland (Amsterdam)
- Great Britain / UK (London)
- Turky (Istanbul)
- Dubai
- Marocco (Tanger)
- Spanien (Barcelona)
- Portugal (Porto)
- Brasilien (Sao Paulo)
- Equador (Quito)
Jürg M. Koch (MBA) founded
Beyond Management with 20 years of experience in corporate development and in depth education in neurological psychology. He educates organisations and individuals in managing their subconscious thinking and acting.
Michael Mayr berät und coacht Organisation basieren auf seiner MBA Expertise und seiner Vertiefung in Neuropsychologie
Anders Pieper designs educational programs for inspirational leadeship of self, individuals, teams and organisations specifically aimed to at safety and quality issues. As a master in psychology, he has mor than 25 years of experience in HR and organisational development .